Tuesday, August 04, 2009

time out

we should give ourselves more 'time outs.' Time out from talking about adult things. Lately my mind is filled with thoughts of money, bills, tuition, jobs, stock market, lack of money, etc. etc.
It's nice to go out and talk about other things like books we are really enjoying, why we are excited about Harry Potter, and just have fun.I love having a partner to enjoy the important things of life and also the fun, frivolous things of life too.

harry potter 6.0!!! we loved it! best yet! anyone else so excited about the budding romance of Ron & Hermoine?!

a few months ago we went out to eat and to a fancy little roof top bar!

1 comment:

Christine said...

Love this. And you are so right about making time for fun & silliness amongst the duties of life.

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