Monday, January 18, 2010

snow daze

school was cancelled (well, except for the seminary of course) what to do when its snowing, below zero, and we are stuck inside all day? why chocolate pancakes& baking bread of course!
the nice thing about living so close to to our friends, is when its too cold to play outside they can run over in the jammies and eat breakfast and play. we love it here!
the older kids

the deep snow

post pancake pigout!

when the weather finally warmed up a bit (a week later) there was still plenty of snow on the ground and we had a great, although short time out playing in the snow! my kids are snow babies!
abraham obviously LOVED the snow. he was a happy, happy little guy. so cute, huh?

and of course, he wanted to lick it.

snow angels!

warming up with some homemade bread


Sarah B said...

those pics are KILLING me. that doesnt even look like hammie! im cracking up.

Christine said...

Love all your new posts! And I really love Abe's hair :)

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Welcome to the Morginskys blog! Our family and friends are spread across the globe and we set up this place for those that want to read about the goings on of the adventures of our family. We have lived in Nashville but are headed to St. Louis for a new chapter in our lives.