Sunday, February 01, 2009

snow dayz

we've had lots of snow here folks. its powdery and brilliant white and amazing. i couldnt believe how happy i was to see it snowing & snowing & snowing.
my hubby is a bit eccentric and one of the lovable things he does it look at the weather around the world on a daily basis. he says its been snowing in moscow every day for weeks. i want to move there.
seriously, i have been on cloud nine with all the snow covering everything! i even had to dig my car out of the snow! so fun!
today it completely melted and now everything just looks dirty and wet and normal.
so, thought today would be a good day to post some reminders of the beauty we had!
our dear neighbor laura came over and wanted to take some shots of maggie in the snow (with her very deluxe camera...which i used for abe's shots down below). thanks laura! you are helping us keep our memories!

catching snowflakes

playmates: i cant wait til next year when they can build snowmen together!


Flo Paris said...

ALL of those pictures are amazing... but I just LOVE the one of the girls in front of the brick wall...the colors look so cool, and the girls are so precious!
Maggie is such a big girl now!

Suzanne said...

These are great pictures! And I'm so with you on the snow thing. I told Jimmy we should pray about whether we're called to planting churches in Canada...or perhaps Moscow!

Thesupermanns said...

We drove through your area on our way to Kansas WITH MY PARENTALS..hence why we didnt stop and the fact that it as WAY early in the morning. I was sad to be so close and not get a chance to see you. I flew home and wished i would have planned it better and visited. Look at all that snow! Im kinda jellous..Nashville hasnt had any really. Hope you are well. Much love sent your way....via blogland

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Welcome to the Morginskys blog! Our family and friends are spread across the globe and we set up this place for those that want to read about the goings on of the adventures of our family. We have lived in Nashville but are headed to St. Louis for a new chapter in our lives.