Good Friends + Good Baby= Great Day
Although Mags and I were still under the weather, today was a good day. I realized this morning that I was going to continue to feel worse if my house looked like a disaster zone. So i texted my sweet friend LeighAnne and she came and played with Maggie for an hour while I cleaned. It's amazing how much more you can get done when you dont have a toddler under your feet.
I felt better the cleaner the house got. Now, i had to stop a few times and drink water and sit down b/c I got a bit weak but I was glad I was up and doing something.
It was SOOO pretty outside, I felt bad I didnt feel well enough to take Maggie to the park.
so before nap time we went out back and threw the ball for Harriet. Maggie and Harriet had a blast. And I drank my tea and just watched. It was nice. I'm looking forward to cleaning up the back yard this spring since Maggie will actually want to play in it now.
Then after lunch I put Maggie down and had a wonderful hot shower. Then Maggie woke up just in time for Daddy to call from Norway. During snack time Maggie cried and put her hand to her mouth and when I looked inside she has 3 new teeth coming in, two of which were bleeding from eating the waffle. Poor baby! I'm so glad I dont remember teething.
at about 4 oclock I started to get stir crazy and called my neighbor/good friend Stephie and left a msg. asking if she could stop by and hang out with Maggie while I get out.
A few minutes later she was knocking at the door! I was so excited! I was going to go to Marche to get a snack but they were closed:( so I went to East Garden and picked up flowers instead.
After dinner I was getting maggie ready for bed and while putting on her pjs I was singing the catechism song we sing at church. I always pause to let her say, "God!" but i never actually think she will. Well, tonight she did and i about fell over! And more importantly, she did it for the video camera b/c I know daddy will be so SAD to have missed this! When I called my sister to let Maggie sing it for her, her son who is 3 got on the phone and said "My daddy plays the bass guitar. Does uncle mojo play the bass guitar?" he was excited when i told him, yes Uncle Mojo does.
Anyway, on to the brillant baby video. My little catechism darling! Click on the link below....its soooooo worth it! excuse me yelling in the camera and my bad voice. i was so excited!
ps. mojo copy the above link and then paste it into the web address box if you cant click on it. you're gonna want to come home right when you watch it!
6 years ago
Sharon, seriously, between you and Mags and Deb and LaineyBug I'm pretty sure that God will get lots of glory!!! I loved the video. I love you and Mags, and Mojo, and baby even more though!!!
ok. that is just TOO. CUTE. i love it when ella tells me that Jesus lives in her heart. it is so beautiful to see God alive in a child!
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