Wednesday, December 31, 2008

i believe

"i believe when i fall in love with you, it will be forever."-stevie wonder

after the pronouncement of our marriage, as husband & wife, we walked back down the aisle to that song. its such a triumphant song, especially the chorus. it was a theme throughout our dating life, along with the movie High Fidelity. We've been together four years since we walked down to that song. It seems like much, much more...with all the things we've done & all the children we've had!

Our anniversary was spent at a glorious restaurant, Margot Cafe. They served this (surprisingly) amazing black eyed pea hordevour for good luck in the new year. We had course upon course and i sometimes think of the dessert we had and my mouth waters, thats how good it was. After more than two hours filling our bellies we headed back to my parents to get Abraham to bed since he had such a hard time the other nights we had gone out. We had high hopes of going to a party, then lower hopes of games with the siblings, then set our eyes onto the couch. we curled up with our new christmas books and hot tea and laid on the couch together for at least 3 hours reading. it was the perfect (albeit ridicously low key) way to end the year. we've had a wonderful, but tiring year and it was appropriate for it to end with rest.

one thing we talked about that night that has become our #1 resolution for 2009 is : Don't wait for things to be perfect.
If we wait to have a full conversation, we'll never have one. If we wait until we arent tired to go on a date, we'll never go. If we wait to be kind to one another until we've had coffee in the morning, it may be until 10am.

we're realizing that with two kiddos (& more to follow) that our marriage can not wait until life slows down. We have to continue our important conversation in the midst of a toddler singing Twinkle Twinkle at the top of her lungs. We have to serve one another, even if we feel like all we've been doing is serving. We have to keep the conversation going even when our eyelids are dropping. We have to seize those babysitter opportunities even if take out and the couch sounds better. Once we're out the door, we are always so glad.

Life just gets busier. Life just gets more crowded. And with each passing year, we have to keep pushing our marriage, our Stevie Wonder moments, to the forefront. i love you honey!


Christine said...

I love this post, Sharon. What a beautiful marriage and treasured time you have together. It's a great lesson for me that you just have to be even more intentional when you start a one of my biggest fears right now is our marriage changing if/when we have kids. You have a great perspective.

Suzanne said...

You are so cute. I understand everything you wrote (though I confess I didn't get to read the whole thing because Nathan is calling for me...) I can't wait to play with you soon!

Anonymous said...

happy anniversary! thank you for this sharon. what good advice to not wait until the time is perfect to do things. miss you down here!

Anonymous said...

happy anniversary! i LOVED that you guys played that song at the end of the ceremony...that was such an amazing night.

i love this blog. it may be my favorite one yet. i read it today as i was sitting at the doctor with a sick child. life can definitely be hectic but isn't it great:)! love you.

Thesupermanns said...

True that!!!! Happy Anniversary.....your wedding was so beautiful. I know you and Mojo are gonna do great at putting your marriage in the center...not the kids. Im reading a book about this right now...called "making the Terrible Two's Terrific". Sad we missed you guys when you were in town.

david, kelly & sam said...

happy anniversary sharona and mojo! your wedding was such a magical evening! love you guys.

Amy Alexander said...

What wonderful reminders Sharon! Thank you for taking the time to post this!

Padgetts said...

Happy belated Anniversary and thoughts well said. I shared them with Tim because I totally understand them now with our little one. Blessings on many more sweet memories.

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