Friday, October 12, 2007


Just a quick update since I havent posted in a few weeks:
* We are celebrating the fall weather by planting mums and getting a new pretty doormat
*Already had lots of family picnics, although the flies are still out, which isnt too fun
*Going to the Dyer Observatory this weekend for a night of music and stars
*Maggie's new cute thing is giving her stuff animal Pinkie a drink out of her sippy cup
*We started using cloth diapers
*Mojo is facilitating a forum on apologetics at Portland Brew tonight 7pm...tonight's topic is the existence of God, you should go if you are in town
*I really like Sarah Jessica Parker's line of clothing, Bitten
*Our closets are overflowing with the summer/fall switch
*Maggie likes anything she isnt suppose to (pens, pencils, cups)
*I made zucchini bread last night and today's dinner is homemade chicken noodle and hot cider...can you tell i am ready for cold weather?
*Harriet is shedding less so she is back in my good graces.
*Mojo mopped three times for me this week!!! I have a good husband. I've been in a clean floor frenzing lately.

Leaving you with another picture sweet family photo

1 comment:

Christine said...

Love it!!! Your family photos are so cute. I can't wait to fall to kick in full force!

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Welcome to the Morginskys blog! Our family and friends are spread across the globe and we set up this place for those that want to read about the goings on of the adventures of our family. We have lived in Nashville but are headed to St. Louis for a new chapter in our lives.