Try as she might, Maggie just cant say her name yet. But oh she tries. Whenever she sees her picture or herself in a mirror she says, Mama? and I point to myself and say Mama and then point to her and say Maggie. and then she'll say Mama? She really believes she is saying Maggie.
My wordsmith can say:
Night night
Bye bye
Woof Woof
What's That? (kinda)
More please (but it sounds more like more cheese)
Nose (she points to your nose but is more like Noooo)
Oh, and of course No! (which she is using more frequently....)
GENIUS ALERT**** After completing this entry, Mojo and I were talking and I ended a sentence with "alot of books." Maggie looked at her daddy and said, "books!" Mojo and I looked at each other and said, Maggie did you say books? And since then all afternoon, she repeats and says perfectly, Books! Books! Books!