Wednesday, June 23, 2010

this season

this season. i want to remember this season because i don't want to forget how special it is. this season of seminary, although filled with unique stressors is such a sweet time. this season, daddy is home at dinner time and is home to tuck the kids into bed and read maggie as many books as she wants. after we graduate i am sure there will be nights where matt cant come home because he needs to visit people in the hospital, go to meetings, or prepare for a sermon. but this season, this season he is home. 
this season we are surround by families that are walking the same path. kids that are kind and compassionate and have tender hearts. i am surround by women who care about the things that make my heart flutter. women who share in joys and share in sorrows and carry burdens. this season, God has granted a slow pace of life. we wake early but our days are filled with fun and play and watching animals at the zoo and teaching the kids about dinosaurs, going to the library, and squeezing fruit at the farmers market. this season, the rhythm of our days is marked by nap times and snack times and play doh times. its not dictated by traffic or school or obligations.
this season is a season of stillness before the pressures of 'real life' and 'real ministry' come crashing in. and we are enjoying it, we are treasuring it, because we will only pass this way once. 


Christine said...

it sounds wonderful to me.

The Browns said...

LOVE this. LOVE!

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Welcome to the Morginskys blog! Our family and friends are spread across the globe and we set up this place for those that want to read about the goings on of the adventures of our family. We have lived in Nashville but are headed to St. Louis for a new chapter in our lives.